Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Danny Ainge Got Some 'Splainin' To Do

After watching the Boston Celtics unravel over the past few days, my roommate and I have agreed on one thing: Danny Ainge truly blew it at the trade deadline. Although they've gotten two straight terrible games from Rondo and neither Pierce nor Garnett have played well, the Celtics have other needs. They seem lost at times and everyone from Delonte West to Big Baby Davis are fighting to provide a spark. Those aren't the guys you want carrying you in May and June. What's the problem, you say? I say, oh I don't know, Danny Ainge making trades like he's in dynasty mode on NBA Live 2010? C'mon, you know you've done it before. "Okay, so Perk is a 74 but I want Jeff Green. He'd be way better because he's fast and he's a 78. Then I'll get Krstic to help me rebound. I'll toss in little Nate and the computer will eat that shit up. YEAH! I'm the man" you say as you exhale your most recent bong hit. Ainge made this trade and then, after realizing his mistake tried to turn his PS3 off without saving, but it was too late. He'd already pulled the soul out of his team that relies so much on chemistry. Nenad Krstic can't rebound. Jeff Green hasn't found his place in the offense yet and neither have earned their shamrocks yet. They may have to wait 'till next season to do it....if they're even that lucky.

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